How often should you have osteopathy?

This depends on your condition. Long term or chronic (more than 6 months) conditions may require more clinical management than acute (less than 3 months) or short term conditions. Your osteopath will discuss this with you, based on your individual needs.

In general, you may feel some change within 2-3 treatments. 

People present to the osteopath at different stages. Some people when they get a niggle or a flare-up, come until their pain goes away. Others come until they feel they can self heal or manage on their own. On the other hand, many enjoy monthly maintenance for their range of motion and quality of health.

Typical Tissue Healing Time Frames

  • Muscle 2-4 weeks

  • Tendon 4-6 weeks

  • Bone 6-8 weeks

  • Ligaments 10-12 weeks

  • Cartilage ~12 weeks

  • Nerve 3-4 mm/day

Depending on severity these times could be longer or shorter.

Consult with an osteopath to see how many treatments you may require.


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