What to expect from your Cupping treatments at Empower Osteopathy.
Myofascial Cupping is an amazing adjunct to soft tissue technique, whether it be static or dynamic type cupping.
Static: leaving them in place for a certain amount of time.
Dynamic: sliding them over muscles.
A provider places cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs or other parts of your body. Inside the cup, a vacuum or suction force pulls the skin upward. This aids in encouraging myofascial release and blood flow to the area.
Mechanism of Cupping?
MRI scans of cupping therapy have shown how it clearly creates more space within the body's internal environment not just during but even after its application (see picture below).
By increasing space (volume) within the tissues not only is there a physical alteration of mechanical stresses stimulating the fascia and nervous system but there is also a very direct and immediate change in tissue pressure in the form of decompression.
This decompression results in an ability for the body to vent from areas of heightened fluid and tissue pressures that are often the result of inflammatory processes through its own transport networks. These changes in hydrostatic pressure also affect oncotic tissue pressures that heighten the tissue filtration rate beyond that of what our kidneys are capable of, literally detoxifying our bodies.