What is the difference between pelvic floor osteopathy and pelvic floor physiotherapy?

Pelvic floor osteopathy and pelvic floor physiotherapy are both therapeutic approaches that focus on addressing issues related to the pelvic floor, but they differ in their methodologies and underlying principles.

  1. Pelvic Floor Osteopathy:

    • Approach: Osteopathy is a holistic approach that emphasises the interconnection of different body systems. Pelvic floor osteopathy involves manual techniques applied by osteopathic practitioners to restore balance, alignment, and function to the pelvic region.

    • Techniques: Osteopaths use hands-on techniques, such as soft tissue manipulation, stretching, and mobilisation, to address musculoskeletal imbalances in the pelvic area. They consider the entire body's structure and aim to improve overall mobility and function. In addition to manual techniques, osteopaths incorporate therapeutic exercises to complement their holistic approach.

    • Philosophy: Osteopathy is based on the principle that the body has the ability to self-heal and regulate, and the role of the osteopath is to facilitate this natural healing process by addressing structural imbalances.

  2. Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy:

    • Approach: Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that uses physical techniques and exercises to promote, maintain, or restore physical well-being. Pelvic floor physiotherapy specifically focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues in the pelvic area.

    • Techniques: Physiotherapists use a combination of exercises, stretches, biofeedback, and other physical modalities to address pelvic floor dysfunction. This may involve kegel exercises, pelvic floor muscle training, and education on posture and body mechanics.

    • Philosophy: Physiotherapy is often grounded in evidence-based practice, and pelvic floor physiotherapy aims to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. It may also involve education on lifestyle factors and behavioural modifications.

In summary, both pelvic floor osteopathy and pelvic floor physiotherapy share the common goal of addressing pelvic floor issues, yet they diverge in their methodologies. Both approaches incorporate internal release techniques to target specific musculoskeletal concerns within the pelvic region. Pelvic floor osteopathy adopts a holistic perspective, utilizing manual techniques to restore overall balance in the interconnected systems of the body. In contrast, pelvic floor physiotherapy employs targeted exercises and modalities to specifically enhance the strength and function of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures. The choice between the two modalities may be influenced by individual preferences, the specific nature of pelvic floor issues, and the guidance of healthcare professionals.

For personalised pelvic floor osteopathy sessions, our highly skilled osteopath, Dr Emma Power, has advanced studies in the field. She is currently accepting appointments, and you can conveniently book online now to embark on your journey towards improved pelvic health.

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