How does an osteopath treat you?

First off we start with a Medical History, we ask questions about your symptoms, medications, medical history and other factors that may contribute to your health.

Then it’s time to start moving in the Examination process. A full osteopathic examination may involve postural assessments, movement and functional assessments, orthopaedic and neurological tests and assessments of certain activities or exercises.

After that, we work together to form an individualised Treatment Plan that suits you. This may involve how many treatments are needed, how long it may take for you to recover from your complaint, activities to avoid

Treatment techniques

  • Massage - soft/deep tissue etc.

  • Manipulation - also known as the typical chiropractic “crack”.

  • Mobilisation - passive movement of your joints.

  • Stretching.

  • Release techniques to your muscles, tendons and ligaments.

  • Cranio-sacral Therapy- (cranial osteopathy) gentle treatment aiming to normalise the tension within the system of membranes housing the brain and the spinal cord called meninges.

  • Visceral Techniques - (treatment for organs) specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone, and motion of the internal organs (viscera) and their connective tissue.

  • Dry Needling - (trigger point needling/ intramuscular stimulation) using fine acupuncture needles to release muscles.

  • Myofascial Cupping- static: leaving them in place for a certain amount of time, dynamic: sliding them over muscles.

  • Exercise prescription - this may involve a home-based program of stretching, strengthening, mobility work to achieve your goals.

  • Education - the may include activities or positions to avoid at first, ergonomic advice, further explanations with diagrams of your condition etc.


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Is Osteopathy covered by medicare?